Saturday, March 10, 2012

the worry bushes

This is a devotion that Franklyn wrote last night.  I was in the kitchen making dinner and Scott was watching a movie when Franklyn came running into the kitchen saying that he wanted to write a devotion called "The Worry Bushes."  I told him to sit at his desk and write away!  He grabbed his notebook and a pen and started writing.

The Worry Bushes
by Franklyn Whaley

A worry brings troubles.  But, at the end, Jesus will say, "take my hand and we'll go through it one more time and not a single worry will touch you."

I asked Franklyn why he named it The Worry Bushes and he said that he was outside thinking about how people worry sometimes.  He said that he looked at the bushes and the bushes made him think about how the prickly things on them are like the troubles that the devil tries to throw in your way...